Creative Reuse of Waste Material
A pile of dirty and worn overhead crane lifting belts in the non-recyclable waste bin. They had lifted many stainless steel sheets, flanges, valves as well as pressure vessels and now it was time to replace them. That’s where the idea came from.
The TEC-SIM Bag is a cool bag conceived as a gift for the company staff, but it is also much more. In fact, it is a unique, handmade creation with scraps of advertising and trade fair fabric combined with lifting belts. The insulating material comes from the creative reuse chain and it is an excess from the Tecnosystemi SpA production cycle. Finally, the internal lining is the aluminum from empty coffee packages of Dersut Caffè SpA. So these difficult-to-recycle materials have been transformed into new objects.

Example of Circular Economy
Therefore, the TEC-SIM Bag is an example of a circular economy.
The circular economy is a production and consumption model that aims to extend the life of products. This is done by encouraging their reuse and repair as well as by using recycling processes to return waste to the production cycle when possibile. In this way, the life of products is extended and the waste is reduced to a minimum. Once the product has finished its function, the materials it is made of are reintroduced into the economic cycle generating further value.
In the circular economy, consumer goods have a ‘cradle to cradle’ journey, while the traditional linear economy is based on the typical ‘extract, make, use and throw away’ model or ‘cradle to grave’ model.
In other words, it can be said that the circular economy model is inspired by nature, where even very complex systems regenerate in a cyclical pattern. As in nature everything is metabolized and there is no waste, waste from the linear economy can become ‘nutrients’ for new production processes in the circular economy.

Social and Environmental Sustainability Project
The TEC-SIM Bag materials were meticulously washed, measured, designed and assembled in the Ricrearti Lab. laboratory in Conegliano (TV). Young people who are undergoing paths of re-entrance into society made it. Further on, professionals sewed everything with the help of students from professional schools. The goal of this activity is to transfer knowledge and awareness of the value of creation and the importance of using their hands to build to younger generations.
Ricrearti is an initiative that promotes sustainability by partnering up with moral entities, associations, schools, artists, artisans and companies. This project aims to create new products thanks to the reuse of materials that are no longer necessary for production or corporate communication; beside that, it tries to transfer skills and values to the youngest and eventually contribute to a more sustainable future.