endeit +39 0422 460272 Mon - Fri 08:30 - 17:30 Via Molinella 3, 31057 Silea (TV) - ITALY

Family Business

The TEC-SIM Team

A Family Success

Founded in 1983 by the Montagner and Florian families, TEC-SIM has remained a family company to this day.

The Da Re and Lavina families currently lead the company, together with the active participation of the founder Bruno Montagner.


Gabriele Da Re

TEC-SIM CEO Gabriele Da Re, who moved back to Italy in 2021 after a decade spent in the UK, has a financial background and an extensive experience in numerous industries, both in Italy and abroad. He worked as a Managing Director in the United Kingdom at Hay Hampers and Reflexallen UK, and as a CFO for Reflexallen Spa and Regina Catene Calibrate Spa.

tec-sim gabriele da re
tec-sim gabriele lavina

Gabriele Lavina

With almost thirty years of work experience in Permasteelisa Group, an Italian multinational construction company specializing in architectural glass and steel cladding, where he held various top roles, Gabriele Lavina is the Operations Director at TEC-SIM. He has significant managerial skills especially in the field of custom manufacturing and the development of tailor-made products.

The entrepreneurial and motivational skills of Gabriele Da Re and Gabriele Lavina are supported by a capable, qualified and efficient team, which is the real driving force of the company:

The TEC-SIM Team

tec-sim team