TEC-SIM Stainless Steel


What Is a Pressure Vessel?

A pressure vessel is a closed container designed to hold liquids or gases at a pressure substantially higher or lower than the ambient pressure.

Why A Stainless Steel Pressure Vessel?

Stainless steel pressure vessels can stand up to very high pressures without deformation, fracture, or fatigue. The resistance of stainless steel to corrosion and its durability make it the ideal material to handle chemicals, liquids and food products. In addition to this, stainless steel is an easy and cost-effective metal to clean and maintain. So stainless steel is the top choice for pressure vessels used in clean and sterile environments.

tec-sim 3D design

At TEC-SIM, pressure vessel design relies on our technical-engineering skills and our in-depth knowledge of the latest design and project development software…

tec-sim pressure vessel manufacturing

TEC-SIM’s pressure vessel manufacturing is tailor-made so any structural detail can be customised with high precision and attention to detail according to customer specifications…

Why Do Pressure Vessels Need Careful Design?

Pressure vessels must be designed to withstand the difference between internal and external pressure. The difference in pressure between inside and outside creates a state of tension in the manufacturing material. So engineers need to design vessels resistant to this state of tension, without stresses which can be the cause of leaks, breakages or dangerous situations for people and things such as explosions.

Which Parameters Should Be Considered When Designing Pressure Vessels?

Pressure is the most important operating parameter, even though there are others. For example, the operating temperature influences the mechanical properties of materials and can cause permanent deformations. Another dimensioning parameter depends on the fluids in contact with the vessel, which can cause chemical attacks on materials such as corrosion or embrittlement.

According to costs and project constraints (e.g. maximum size or need for nozzles), engineers can act on these parameters:

  • geometric shape of the container
  • thickness of resistant walls
  • shape, number and thickness of reinforcements
  • selection of material
  • type and shape of welded joints
  • non-destructive testing of materials and welded joints
  • in-service tests
tec-sim pressure vessel standards

TEC-SIM designs and manufactures according to the main pressure vessel standards in use internationally, such as PED, ASME and SELO…

tec-sim pressure vessel repair

TEC-SIM’s pressure vessel repair service aims to guarantee best performance, prevent machine downtime and comply with regulatory compliance…

Pressure Equipment Directive - PED 2014/68/EU
American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME Stamp
China Stamp or China Manufacture License - CML

What Are The Reference Standards for Pressure Vessels?

Although differing in some details, all regulations for pressure vessels agree on some construction requirements:

  • use of materials from controlled and certified origin
  • use of qualified and verified construction procedures
  • carrying out non-destructive tests before using the container

The regulatory reference for designing, manufacturing and using pressure equipment in the European market is the PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) 2014/68/EU product directive.

Manufacturer of Pressure Vessels


Examples of pressure vessels include freeze-drying pressure and vacuum chambers for the pharma industry, fractional columns for refineries and oil & gas plants, nuclear reactors, gas and liquid tanks.