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TEC-SIM Awarded as a Best Perfomer

TEC-SIM CEO Da Re: «Behind these results, there are specially people»

TEC-SIM has been awarded among the “1,000 best performing companies 2024” in the province of Treviso, the accolade acknoledged annually by ItalyPost and L’Economia del Corriere della Sera on a local basis. The awards ceremony was held on Tuesday 22th October at the Teatro Accademico of Castelfranco Veneto (TV).

The “1,000 best performing companies” award celebrates the entrepreneurial excellence of the area which has stood out for its capacity for growth, financial stability and profitability, despite the challenges of the economic context.

TEC-SIM, the Silea-based company focused on the manufacturing of freeze-dryers for the pharmaceutical industry, was selected among over twenty thousand companies in the area for a series of economic-financial performances. The very first reason is the significant increase in turnover following the change of management, which took place in November 2022. In fact, TEC-SIM has passed from six million euro in 2022 to almost ten million in 2023, with an increase of 70%.

«These are remarkable economic results achieved with strategic choices and investments» commented TEC-SIM CEO Gabriele Da Re. «Starting from solid foundations, we defined the pillars to build the future of the company, which are excellence, reliability and flexibility. Then, with the aim of improving quality, efficiency and safety at work, we made important investments on two sides: on one hand, technological renewal with the introduction of a new generation ERP, a polishing robot and other state-of-the-art equipment; on the other hand, the enhancement of human resources because behind these results there are specially people“.

Since 2022, TEC-SIM has recorded a growth in staff of eight new units with an increase of 30%, generating work in the area; developed a welfare plan for all employees; provided over 800 hours of specific training, dealing with the professional growth of the staff; renovated the company premises, also recovering a disused wing to offer recreational spaces for the breaks; established a partnership with the technical schools in the area, encouraging the participation of young people in the success of the company.

Interview to Gabriele Da Re, TEC-SIM CEO

The prize assigned by ItalyPost and L’Economia del Corriere della Sera arrives in Treviso

Castelfranco Veneto is the second stop on a tour that touches fourteen provinces in the six most industrialized regions of Italy, for a total of twenty stops and twenty thousand best performing companies.

During the event held in Castelfranco, the research ‘The 1,000 Best Performing companies in the province of Treviso’ drawn up by ItalyPost was presented. The research shows that the awards have been mainly acknoledged to small and medium-sized businesses, with a turnover exceeding 4 million and a minimum common denominator: having generated turnover between 2020 and 2023, and above all having demonstrated the ability to produce profits and maintain financial solidity.