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Inclusivity as a Company Value

Well-being and involvement of people as well as talent and creativity recognition are the effects of environments with a high rate of inclusion, capable of producing positive impacts on performance and turnover, stimulating developments in organizational and business models.

How Widespread is Inclusivity within Italian Companies?

From the recent Future of Work: Diversity & Inclusion research carried out by Inaz – Osservatorio Imprese Lavoro in collaboration with Business International – Fiera Milano, we can affirm that Italian companies are still far from fully embracing diversity within the organisation. In fact, 84% recognize its ethical value, but less than half implement concrete plans. More precisely, 46% of the sample states that they already have a D&I plan, but as many as 63% of companies have not yet developed a structured and formalized D&I project and plan to do so in the near future.

What Does Inclusivity Mean?

Inclusivity or inclusion is a fundamental principle based on the idea that every individual, regardless of their origin, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religion or any other personal characteristic, should have the opportunity to participate fully in society without being subject to discrimination or obstacles. Therefore, it is a question of promoting an environment in which every person feels accepted, respected and valued without distinction.

Key Principles of Inclusivity

The concept of inclusivity embraces some key principles, including:

  • respect for diversity, which implies the recognition, acceptance and valorization of differences between individuals;
  • absence of prejudices, conscious or unconscious;
  • open communication to allow an exchange of information, ideas and opinions in a transparent and honest way between people;
  • empathy to create relationships based on trust and solidarity;
  • guarantee of equal access to the activities, opportunities and resources offered.

Inclusivity in Contemporary Society

Inclusivity is a transversal element in the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and represents a fundamental pillar for achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To address global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change and peace, an inclusive society is a key element.

tec-sim inclusivity
«In our departments, we speak Italian, Ukrainian, Arabic as well as Venetian» Gabriele Da Re, TEC-SIM SEO

Inclusion in the Workplace

An inclusive workplace is an environment where each individual is respected in their identity and diversity is considered an asset as it contributes positively to the culture and results of the organization. Inclusive companies encourage discussion and as a consequence creativity and innovation. Furthermore, inclusivity creates belonging and loyalty.

Here at TEC-SIM, the team is made up of people who come from the local community, within a radius of twenty kilometers away. Many of them have gained many years, if not even decades, of experience in our company. However, others have arrived in recent times and are the mirror of contemporary society, more multi-ethnic and cosmopolitan.

«In our departments, we speak Italian, Ukrainian, Arabic as well as Venetian» states Gabriele Da Re, TEC-SIM CEO «Because we like a respectful, inclusive and stimulating workplace, which allows everyone to express their uniqueness».

For this reason, we want to enhance the cultural traditions of our team and wish each other a Happy Easter as well as a Eid Mubarak.

In TEC-SIM, we wish each other a Happy Easter as well as a Eid Mubarak.