endeit +39 0422 460272 Lun - Ven 08:30 - 12:30 & 14:00 - 18:00 Via Molinella 3, 31057 Silea (TV) - ITALY


Mit einem Umsatz von knapp zehn Millionen Euro schließt das Geschäftsjahr 2023 mit einem Umsatzrekord für TEC-SIM und einem Mitarbeiterwachstum ab.
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tec-sim team building in kayak
Das TECSIM-Team machte eine Teambildung-Erfahrung im Kajak, um seine Einstellung zu Anpassung, Zusammenarbeit und Veränderung zu verbessern.
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tec-sim at achema 2024
TEC-SIM wird seine Vakuum- und Druckgeräte vom 10. bis 14. Juni auf der ACHEMA in Frankfurt (Deutschland) ausstellen.
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tec-sim inclusivity
Inclusivity is a value for TEC-SIM. In an inclusive workplace, everyone is respected and diversity is considered an asset.
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tec-sim orchard
TEC-SIM invests in their orchard, a link between the natural park where the company is located and the production of stainless steel equipment.
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tec-sim at mecspe
TEC-SIM auf der MECSPE, der Messe für die Fertigungsindustrie, um sich über die Technologien in der Fertigung auf dem Laufenden zu halten.
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tec-sim stimulating change through training
To stimulate change, the introduction of a modern ERP software at TEC-SIM has been accompanied by a training session .
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tec-sim welding
TEC-SIM has partnered up with the Italian Institute for Welding to upgrade their production process and particularly welding.
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tec-sim audit for the selo license renewal
TEC-SIM has recently had an audit for the renewal of the SELO License, the certification requested to sell pressure vessels in China. The inspectors from China have been working together with our quality control and technical departments to confirm TEC-SIM registration once again since 1998.
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tec-sim celebrates their 40th anniversary
With an evening dedicated to their staff and suppliers, TEC-SIM celebrated their fortieth anniversary. The event took place on Saturday 23th September at the company headquarters.
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