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Wie man mit Schulungen Veränderungen fördert

Company digitisation involves a change in both working methods and internal communication processes. Therefore, the introduction of a modern ERP software at TEC-SIM has been accompanied by a training session with the aim of supporting and encouraging change.

tec-sim stimulating change through training

Soft Skills and Training

‚Inside the digital revolution: mindset and tools for companies and professionals‘ is the title of the training session and includes team work on soft skills, i.e. the interpersonal skills for interacting effectively with others and succeeding in the workplace. Examples of soft skills are the ability to communicate profitably with colleagues and potential customers, to mentor colleagues, to lead a team, to negotiate a contract, to follow instructions and to complete a job on time.

Our training programme, funded by the Veneto Region project 4358-0001-1644-2022, approved by DDR. no. 1056 of 03/07/2023 within the framework of DGR no. 1644/2022, includes 60 hours of on-site training tailored to improve the expertise and productivity of our team, as well as 6 hours of individual counselling and 10 hours of action research.

The project is addressed to the TEC-SIM’s management and all employees who manage relations with other people inside or outside the company. It is part of the ongoing training activities promoted by the TEC-SIM Academy, which periodically organises individual training programs to develop personal skills alongside courses to stimulate group skills.

tec-sim academy training session

Training Goals

In general terms, the entire training project promotes the adaptation of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change, fostering the development of the Veneto Region’s economic system. In particular, it aims to act on the updating and development of skills capable of supporting the digital transition.

This measure also aims at implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights, i.e. the European Union’s social strategy to ensure that digitisation, demographic change and the transition to climate neutrality are socially just and equitable. The first principle of the Pillar („everyone has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and lifelong learning in order to maintain and acquire skills to participate fully in society and to manage labour market transitions successfully“) is implemented in the new European Agenda for Skills for Sustainable Competitiveness, Social Equity and Resilience, anchored in the European Green Deal, the new digital strategy and the new industrial and small and medium-sized enterprise strategies.

In particular, the Pact for Skills launched by the European Commission represents one of the twelve flagship actions of the Agenda: its goal is to mobilise resources and to incentivise all stakeholders to undertake concrete actions for the improvement of skills levels and the retraining of the workforce in the European Union. The Veneto Region joined the Pact for Skills initiative in the course of 2021, signing the Charter for the Pact for Skills.