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Erneuerung der SELO-Zertifizierung für TEC-SIM

TEC-SIM has recently had an audit for the renewal of the SELO License, a certification which pertains to pressure vessels to be sold in the People’s Republic of China. The inspectors from China have been working together with our quality control and technical departments to confirm TEC-SIM registration once again since 1998.

TEC-SIM top management and engineers with the SELO inspectors from China at the end of the audit

What is the SELO License?

The SELO license is an approval procedure from the Chinese authority SELO – China Special Equipment Licensing Office. This authority is overseen by the State Administration for Market Regulations (SAMR).

This regulation requires that domestic and foreign manufacturers of pressure equipment have a SELO license to be allowed to sell their products in China.

Various terms are used to describe the license, such as the China Manufacture License (CML), China Stamp or the Pressure Vessel License.

The license, issued by the Chinese authorities in accordance with the effective TSG-Regulations (Tezhong shebei anquan jishu guifan, from Chinese and means “Technical security regulation for special equipment”) and the GB standard (Guobiao, from Chinese and means „National Standard”) is valid for four years.

Why the SELO License?

The demand for pressure equipment within the Chinese market is steadily increasing. Almost all manufacturers wishing to enter this ever-growing market need a SELO License. So the SELO License is basically an entry ticket into one of the fastest growing markets in the world, the P.R. China, and particularly the Chinese pressure devices market. Generally speaking, it covers all equipment manufactured to withstand any kind of pressure greater than one bar.

The SELO License has been introduced due to increasing international competition. Comparisons with other countries brought to light shortcomings with Chinese regulations. Consequently, the Chinese authorities focused their attention on quality assurance and product security.

What is the SELO Certification required for?

Products subject to the SELO registration are pressure vessels, boilers, security components such as saftey valves and bursting disks, gas cylinders, tanks and hot water systems.

Is the SELO Stamp easy to get?

Unfortunately, obtaining the SELO License isn’t quite as simple as it sounds. The quality standards required are quite challenging as wel as preparation and administration can be considerably time consuming.

Standards for the SELO Certification

Licensing takes place according to the current TSG regulations and GB standards. These include:

  • TSG 21-2016: Basic Requirements for Special Equipment Quality Assurance System on Manufacture, Installation, Alteration and Repair;
  • TSG 07-2019: Regulation for Production and Filling Licensing of Special Equipment.

Procedure for the China Manufacture License

Apart from exemptions, pressure vessels with a nominal pressure from 0.1 MPa have to be compliant to the SELO standards.

A classification of the product according to the product category must be conducted. This is important for the application process since the manufacturer’s license is issued according to the product category. TEC-SIM is in the D category regarding stationary pressure vessels.

The application process requires many different documents, including a quality manual in English according to TSG 07-2019 and TSG 21-2016, highly trained staff, a list of all manufacturing equipment and tools. Other required documents included the application form, a copy of business license, company introduction, drawings, procedures, operating instructions.

After all of the documents are accepted, the on-site audit takes place. Typically, this lasts up to four days, varying according to product category and level of complexity. During the audit, special focus is placed on the quality manual, resourses and production so supporting documentation is checked.

After the successful completion, the SELO license is issued and it lasts four years.

At receiving the license, pressure vessels can be sold in China.

How many companies have the SELO License in Europe?

It is esteemed that there are approximately one hundred and fifty companies SELO certified in Europe. The country with more licenses is Germany, followed by Italy, then France and the Czech Republic. Italy boasts around thirty companies with the SELO Stamp and one of them has been TEC-SIM since 1998.